UCL School of Management

15 October 2024

Angela Aristidou launches co-edited book with former US Secretary of State

Dr Angela Aristidou launches The Digitalist Papers at the Hoover Institute, September 2024.

UCL School of Management Assistant Professor Angela Aristidou recently launched her co-edited book with former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during a launch event held at the Stanford University’s Hoover Institution in California. Opening the event, Angela launched the first volume of The Digitalist Papers entitled Artificial Intelligence and Democracy in America.

Amid AI-enabled developments that forecast a change in the ways people organise and govern themselves, as well as the insitutions that facilitate governance, Artificial Intelligence and Democracy in America encourages the spotlight to be turned on our current institutions. Ultimately, the book argues that the thoughtful examination of AI-enabled developments in relation to insitutional structures requires us to focus on whether our current insitutions are fit for purpose - and, if so, whose purpose?

This daunting exploration demands both deep domain expertise and collaboration across academic disciplines. This explains why the first volume of The Digitalist Papers series by design offers a diverse set of perspectives from academia, industry and civic society. Authors in this volume include: Laura Bisesto, John Cochrane, Sarah Friar, Mona Hamdy, Reid Hoffman, Saffron Huang, Lawrence Lessig, James Manyika, Johnnie Moore, Jennifer Pahlka, Alex Pentland, Nathaniel Persily, Eric Schmidt, Divya Siddarth, Audrey Tang, Lily L. Tsai, Eugene Volokh, and E. Glen Weyl.
As Senior Editor of the book, Dr Aristidou worked alongside area leads Erik Brynjolfsson, Director of Stanford’s Digital Economy Lab, Alex “Sandy” Pentland, MIT’s Toshiba Endowed Professor, Nathaniel Persily, James B. McClatchy Professor of Law, Condoleezza Rice, 66th Secretary of State of the United States, Tad and Dianne Taube Director of the Hoover Institution. 
Aligning with the focus of the book, Dr Aristidou’s research foregrounds the need for cross-sectoral collaboration between the public sector (government), private sector (industry) and third sector (nonprofits and community) in the goal of responsibly deploying Artificial Intelligence technologies into societies and organisations. She is also a Fellow at the Stanford Digital Economy Lab and the Stanford Institute for Human-Centred AI.
Last updated Tuesday, 15 October 2024