UCL School of Management

Research seminar

The Role of Contracts and Behaviors in Forecast Information Sharing


Ozalp Ozer, University of Texas at Dallas


Friday, 9 November 2012

Forecast information sharing is among the most active research area because such information affects fundamental decisions. This presentation will focus on issues arising in forecast information sharing. First, we will articulate how different contracts affect forecast communication by changing firms’ self-interested, pecuniary payoffs. Next, we will consider the role of trust and trustworthiness in information sharing. We will also show some evidence of how culture and country affect trusting behavior and hence, forecast information sharing.

We will propose a trust-embedded analytical model that will better explain the circumstances in which credible information sharing arises. Analytical models and behavioral observations will help us to determine which contract, trust building and forecast sharing strategies to adopt depending on key product and market characteristics. We conclude with a discussion on open research questions.

Open to
PhD Programme
Last updated Wednesday, 16 December 2015